KNX Modbus RTU Gateway 886.1 secure

The KNX Modbus RTU Gateway 886.1 secure is a compact Gateway between KNX TP and Modbus RTU with 250 freely configurable channels.
The device enables easy integration of Modbus devices that support the RTU protocol via RS-485 and can act as a Modbus master or slave. As Master the device can address up to 25 slave devices.
The assignment between KNX objects and Modbus registers can be configured via parameters in the ETS without an additional tool.
Two buttons and three multi-colored LEDs on the front panel allow local operation (synchronisation functions) and visualization of the device status.
The gateway provides a galvanic isolation between KNX bus and Modbus.
Power is supplied via the KNX bus. The device supports KNX Security.
The KNX Modbus RTU Gateway 886.1 secure is supplied with power via the KNX bus and requires no additional auxiliary voltage.
Multiple downloads for communication tests are no longer necessary. The test requests are made directly via the gateway in the ETS, without the need for a USB RS-485 interface. This also works without KNX configuration, e.g: Group addresses directly during the first commissioning.
In this way, the settings can be tested before the ETS configuration.
KNX to wallbox

With the KNX Modbus RTU Gateway 886.1 secure, the next trip with the electric car is also well prepared. Thanks to the integration of KNX and Modbus, the charging station is optimally controlled. Surplus energy of a PV system can be utilised efficiently. Safety and convenience are guaranteed at all times. Energy management with KNX and Modbus is the future.
KNX to heat pumps
With the KNX Modbus RTU Gateway 886.1 secure and the precise and user-friendly programming of the ETS, HVAC systems (heating, ventilation, conditioning) can be easily optimised. Flexible customisation not only increases comfort, but also energy efficiency. The intelligent exchange of telegrams ensures harmonised operation of all systems and thus a pleasant microclimate in residential and commercial premises.
In addition, the DCA sample configurations offer a quick and easy solution not only for beginners but also for experienced installers. The preconfigured configurations save a lot of time during commissioning and not every installation has to be carried out from scratch. Existing Modbus register configurations can be transferred quickly and easily.

KNX to photovoltaics

With the KNX Modbus RTU Gateway 886.1 secure , intelligent control and optimisation of energy consumption is possible. The right energy distribution is the key to success and to the optimal operation of all subsystems and the overall system. Excess energy can be stored as a reserve in the battery or used for real-time energy utilisation. It is also possible to monitor power peaks and an uneven supply to certain power consumers and thus avoid unwanted outages.
KNX Modbus configuration
The assignment between KNX objects and Modbus registers is made via parameters in the ETS – no further tool is required. The configuration can also be exported and imported via a DCA (Device Configuration App, SW extension in the ETS).
The device enables the interpretation and scaling of the Modbus data according to the data point types of the KNX standard.

Modbus test environment

The test environment is intended for testing Modbus communication. It allows baud rates and priorities to be set.
The modbus telegram to be sent can be configured in the section “Modbus request”. The range of functions corresponds to the settings that can also be used for the individual datapoints. The names of the parameters are thereby identical.
“Modbus request (preview)” shows the modbus telegram created.
The button “Send modbus request” sends the configured request and automatically waits for the response. If no response is received within 1 second, the button “Check modbus response” can be used to manually check for a response again. However, this is not necessary in most cases.
“Modbus request (sent)” shows the modbus telegram sent.
“Modbus response (received)” shows the received modbus telegram.
In the section “Modbus response”, the data of the modbus response is listed and interpreted according to the settings in the section “Modbus request”.
DPT Converter
The DPT converter can be used for data point type conversions between e.g. integer values (DPT 12) and floating point values (DPT 9).
This allows, for example, a temperature to be converted to the correct KNX data point type. If scaling is also required for this, it is possible to specify this.
For conversions to bit objects (DPT 1), it is possible to define a threshold value.
An application example of this would be an alarm output (DPT 1) at a defined fill level (DPT 5).
For example, a light can be activated if the fill level is less than 10 % without using an additional logic.
In summary, the following functions are supported:
- Binary to value
- Value to binary (threshold values)
- Percent value adjustment
- Value to value (scaling)
Furthermore, the converted values can be sent cyclically if required.

Weinzierl Modbus RTU Gateway 886.1 ConfigTool

The Weinzierl Modbus RTU Gateway 886.1 ConfigTool is a so-called DCA (Device Configuration AddIn) for the ETS. With this it is possible to export the configuration of a Weinzierl KNX Modbus RTU Gateway 886 database and import it into another gateway. The Weinzierl Modbus Gateway Config Tool is available online as a free download in the KNX Association online store under Shop / ETS Apps (creating a user account is necessary).
The existing configuration of the KNX Modbus RTU Gateway 886 can be easily transferred to the new KNX Modbus RTU Gateway 886.1 secure.
After adding it to the shopping cart and checking it out, the download link for the Weinzierl Modbus Gateway Config Tool will appear within a short time under “My account / Products”.
Please note: The Weinzierl Modbus RTU Gateway 886.1 ConfigTool requires a commercial license of ETS 5.5 or higher.
Example configurations for use with the DCA can be found here.
Manufacturer | Description | Name | Download |
ABB | Energy meter | A43 A44 | Zip |
Broetje | Control and communication module | NEO-RKM | Zip |
ComAp | Single gen-set controller | InteliLite 4 AMF 9 | Zip |
D+H | Window drive | ACB Antriebe | Zip |
Eletechsup | Relais module | N4DOK32 | Zip |
Elsner | Weather station | P03-Modbus | Zip |
Eltako | Modbus bidirectional three-phase meter | DSZ15DZMOD | Zip |
Emec | Multichannel dosing controller | LD Multichannel | Zip |
E+E | Temperature and humidity sensor | EE071 | Zip |
Finder | Multi-function Bi-directional energy meter | 7M.38 | Zip |
Fronius | Hybrid inverter | Symo Gen24 Plus | Zip |
Heidelberg | Wallbox | Wallbox-Energy-Control | Zip |
Heliotherm | Remote control gateway | RCG2-Modul | Zip |
Huawai | Hybrid inverter | SUN2000 | Zip |
Mitsubishi Electric | Air-water heat pump control | Procon MelcoBEMS MINI (A1M) | Zip |
Rehau | Room temperature controller | NEA SMART 2.0 | Zip |
Systemair | AC controller | SysQuare-SysLogic | Zip |
Truebner | Soil moisture sensor | SMT10 | Zip |
Vallox | Ventilation unit | ValloPlus 510 MV | Zip |
Weider Wärmepumpen | Heat pump controller | WT16 | Zip |
— | Temperature and humidity sensor | XY-MD02 | Zip |
In order to further expand our offer of successfully tested configurations, we are pleased to receive such DCA files at any time.
You are welcome to send these DCA files with the manual of the Modbus device and register description to
Technical data
Mechanical data
- Housing: Plastic
- DIN rail mounted device, width: 18 mm
Controls and indicators
- 2 buttons and 3 LEDs (multicolor)
- KNX programming button with LED (red)
- Type: RTU
- RS-485, with adjustable baud rate
- Master or Slave
- Master: up to 25 slave devices
- Up to 250 channels
- Medium TP
- KNX Security
Power supply
- KNX Bus approx. 8 mA, bus powered
- Connector for KNX Bus (red / black)
- 2x pluggable screw connector (3 poles) for Modbus