Stacks for KNX

Powerful, flexible and certified
The KNX standard describes a complex protocol that requires a significant effort in the implementation and certification. At the same time, the KNX stack – the system software for KNX devices – is the core of our activities and our expertise. With our KNX development kits you get a full, already certified platform, based on which you can develop complex devices quickly and effectively.
KNX Communication
Each device which communicates via a KNX network needs an implementation of the KNX protocol. The KNX protocol is specified according to the OSI reference model (Open Systems Interconnection) as a set of layers.

The KNX system is a decentralized network. The runtime communication is mainly based on group telegrams in multicast. To participate in the KNX runtime communication each device must be configured e.g. group addresses must be assigned. Typically this is done via the official ETS program available from the KNX Association. The configuration can be loaded into the distributed devices via the KNX network during the device download. The management procedures are quite complex and are also part of the KNX Standard.
In contrast to the runtime communication the network management is asymmetric. A KNX device which can be loaded via the network is called a KNX management server. It offers services like memory write to the programming tool which is called a KNX management client.
A program running on a PC typically is not managed by the ETS Software. Therefore, no KNX management server or classic KNX Stack is required. For PC based solutions we provide access to KNX telegrams as well as KNX client implementation within the framework of our Software Development Kit kDrive. More information can be found here.
System B
System B is the most powerful device model in the KNX universe and a truly scalable solution. System B is very flexible and can be used on different media. In 2013 the device model System B has been adapted to the IP medium as well as to KNX RF in the KNX Standard – System B supports the following media:
- KNX TP (Twisted Pair)
- KNX RF (Radio Frequency)
- KNX IP (KNXnet/IP, Ethernet)

System B is the logical choice for our KNX Stack NGS both for the COMPACT and PLUS editions.
System 7
Though already some years old, System 7 still is used for many devices in the market. System 7 supports up to 255 communication objects and a loadable area of up to 30 kB. Weinzierl’s KNX Stack System 7 is one of the world’s most successful KNX Stack solutions running in million of KNX devices and installations all over the world.