SDK kDriveExpress

NEW: since version 22.1.1 with KNX IP and Data Security (Client)

kDrive by Weinzierl Engineering is a powerful software development kit (SDK) for KNX communication via KNX standard interfaces on telegram level. It is implemented as a cross-platform software component library with a high grade of flexibility. kDrive defines a complete ecosystem for the rapid development of KNX applications on platforms with POSIX (like) operating systems, such as Linux and Windows. Application programming interfaces (APIs) are available in C, .NET and Python.

kDrive can be the basis for visualisation tools as well as for own management clients. A frequent use case is the implementation of test tools for production. The kDrive library supports the KNX media twisted pair (TP), radio (RF) and IP. Serial (FT1.2), USB and IP can be used as interfaces. As of version 21.1.2, KNX IP Security is supported and since 22.1.1 also KNX data security. kDriveExpress is the binary distribution of the kDrive Library. It is available as both a free and a commercial licence.

The following components are currently available in the framework of kDriveExpress:

•    Telegram access
•    Services

For details see technical information about the kDrive architecture.


DescriptionC++ library for KNX communication via standard KNX Interface Devices. The kdriveExpress Edition Library is the binary version of the kDrive SDK with an interface in 'C', optionally with a connection to Python via ctypes or wrappers for .Net.
PlatformsWindows Desktop, Linux
Supported InterfacesKNX Serial (FT1.2), KNX USB,
KNX IP (incl. KNX IP Security)
LanguageThe SDK is delivered as compiled library
Language BindingsAPI in C and .Net
LicensekDrive in the free licence can be used and distributed, but is restricted to Weinzierl KNX interfaces.
kDrive with a commercial licence is not restricted to Weinzierl KNX interfaces according to a dedicated licence agreement.
Doxygen APIDoxygen C API Documentation
Doxygen .NET API Documentation
SDK DownloadDownload the free version for testing purposes with restriction in the licence.
For support of other platforms under the commercial licence, please contact us.