light+building 2016: New KNX IO Series
Burgkirchen an der Alz and Frankfurt, March 2016: With the new “KNX IO” device range Weinzierl will offer inputs and outputs for KNX for the first time. Furthermore, the company will also introduce its first IP only device for KNX, the KNX Multi IO 580. Together with a new set of compact 1TE devices – including a line coupler and a new USB interface – we will also present intelligent power supplies, new IP devices and our new LineMaster for KNX.
KNX IO: Inputs and outputs for KNX
All devices of this new range are for DIN rail with a width of only 1TE (18mm). This granularity offers a maximum of flexibility especially for small and medium size installations. All devices share a unified operating concept with 3 multi-color LEDs and 2 buttons for manual operation during configuration and maintenance. An installation friendly design with plug-able screw connectors also helps to reduce costs on the construction site.
First completely IP-based KNX device by Weinzierl
A very different wiring concept shows the KNX IO Multi 580. It is one of the first KNX IP only devices on the market. So it is integrated in the KNX network directly via Ethernet/IP. The commissioning is done with ETS software very similar to the integration of KNX TP devices.
Here are devices of the new IO series in detail

- KNX IO 410
Binary Input with 4 channels to control lights, shutter etc. with conventional switches or contacts. Inputs can be driven with external voltage between 12 and 230 V. - KNX IO 411
Binary Input with 4 channels to control lights, shutter etc. with conventional switches or contacts. Inputs are designed for dry contacts. - KNX IO 510
Switching actuator with two outputs. The application provides the function for universal outputs including scene and timer, staircase lightning and heating valves (PWM for thermoelectric valve-drives). - KNX IO 511
Switching actuator with one output with two binary inputs. The output part provides the function for universal outputs including scene and timer, staircase lightning and heating valves (PWM for thermoelectric valve-drives). The inputs can be connected to conventional switches with external voltage between 12 and 230 V. A typical use case is the replacement of conventional electromechanical impulse switches. While existing cabling can be re-used, the relay is connected to the KNX network in addition. - KNX IO 520
Jalousie actuator with two binary inputs. The actuator drives a shutter or blind. The inputs can be connected to conventional switches with external voltage between 12 and 230 V. - KNX IO Multi 580
Multi IO device, fully IP based, 48 inputs or outputs (flexible configuration), to be combined with external relays. Status and manual operation via OLED display and 4 buttons. Compact size with 6 units.