The KNX Modbus RTU Gateway 886 is a compact KNX/Modbus gateway with 250 freely configurable channels (KNX data points). The device allows easy integration of Modbus devices supporting the RTU protocol via RS-485 into KNX installations. It can be used as Modbus master or slave.
KNX Modbus RTU Gateway 886
KNX Modbus configuration
The assignment between KNX objects and Modbus registers is made via parameters in the ETS – no further tool is required. The configuration can also be exported and imported via a DCA (Device Configuration App, SW extension in the ETS).
The device enables the interpretation and scaling of the Modbus data according to the data point types of the KNX standard.
Two buttons and three multi-colored LEDs on the front panel allow local operation (test functions) and visualization of the device status. The Modbus connection is electrically isolated from the KNX bus. All connections are pluggable.

Weinzierl Modbus Gateway Config Tool

The Weinzierl Modbus Gateway Config Tool is a so-called DCA (Device Configuration AddIn) for the ETS. With this it is possible to export the configuration of a Weinzierl KNX Modbus RTU Gateway 886 database and import it into another gateway. The Weinzierl Modbus Gateway Config Tool is available online as a free download in the KNX Association online store under Shop / ETS Apps (creating a user account is necessary).
After adding it to the shopping cart and checking it out, the download link for the Weinzierl Modbus Gateway Config Tool will appear within a short time under “My account / Products”.
Please note: The Weinzierl Modbus Gateway Config Tool requires a commercial license of ETS 5.5 or higher.
Example configurations for use with the DCA can be found here.
Manufacturer | Description | Name | Download |
ABB | Energy meter | A43 A44 | Zip |
Broetje | Control and communication module | NEO-RKM | Zip |
ComAp | Single gen-set controller | InteliLite 4 AMF 9 | Zip |
D+H | Window drive | ACB Controller | Zip |
Eletechsup | Relais module | N4DOK32 | Zip |
Elsner | Weather station | P03-Modbus | Zip |
Eltako | Modbus bidirectional three-phase meter | DSZ15DZMOD | Zip |
Emec | Multichannel dosing controller | LD Multichannel | Zip |
E+E | Temperature and humidity sensor | EE071 | Zip |
Finder | Multi-function Bi-directional energy meter | 7M.38 | Zip |
Fronius | Hybrid inverter | Symo Gen24 Plus | Zip |
Heidelberg | Wallbox | Wallbox-Energy-Control | Zip |
Heliotherm | Remote control gateway | RCG2-Modul | Zip |
Huawai | Hybrid inverter | SUN2000 | Zip |
Mitsubishi Electric | Air-water heat pump control | Procon MelcoBEMS MINI (A1M) | Zip |
Rehau | Room temperature controller | NEA SMART 2.0 | Zip |
Systemair | AC controller | SysQuare-Syslogic | Zip |
Truebner | Soil moisture sensor | SMT100 | Zip |
Vallox | Ventilation unit | ValloPlus 510 MV | Zip |
Weider Wärmepumpen | Heat pump controller | WT16 | Zip |
— | Temperature and humidity sensor | XY-MD02 | Zip |
In order to further expand our offer of successfully tested configurations, we are pleased to receive such DCA files at any time.
You are welcome to send these DCA files with the manual of the Modbus device and register description to
Technical data
Mechanical data
- Housing: Plastic
- DIN rail mounted device, width: 18 mm
Controls and indicators
- 2 buttons and 3 LEDs, multicolor
- KNX programming button with LED (red)
- Type: RTU
- RS-485, 1.2/2.4/4.8/9.6/19.2/38.4/56.0/115.200 kBit/s
- Master or Slave
- Master: up to 25 slave devices
- Up to 250 channels
Power supply
- KNX Bus approx. 4 mA
- Modbus auxiliary supply 12-24 V⎓, 5 mA
- Connector for KNX Bus (red / black)
- Pluggable screw connector (3 poles) for Modbus
- Pluggable screw connector (3 poles) for power supply