Weinzierl stays active

The first KNX HVAC Solutions Conference
MARCH 30 – 31

KNX Smart home Logo

In this time of pandemic and contact restrictions, digital formats are key alternatives for face-to-face events. Here’s a quick review for two online events of the recent months.
For the first time, the KNX Association organized the two-day event on heating air conditioning and ventilation. The successful event reached over 2600 registrations and participants came from all over the world.
Weinzierl presented here the new KNX Modbus TCP Gateway 716 as an interface to numerous HVAC devices.

Futurasmus Logo

Futurasmus Group Spain hosted a live event with the online conference KNX Crossing 2021. Futurasmus celebrates its 20th anniversary.

We were happy to celebrate together with Futurasmus. Not least because Weinzierl is also celebrating this anniversary in this year.
Due to the professional organization Futurasmus was able to bring the feeling of a real fair into this virtual event. Already before the official start of the fair on 05. and 06. of May there were more than 700 registrations. Globally represented exhibitors were online and could exchange information with partners and customers.

Fuurasmus Darstellung 1
Fuurasmus Darstellung 2
Fuurasmus Darstellung 3