kdriveExpress SDK 23.2.0
kdriveExpress Datapoint API

Data Structures

struct  datapoint_type_t
 Represents a single datapoint type. More...


typedef struct datapoint_type_t datapoint_type_t
 Represents a single datapoint type. More...


kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_get_dpt_descriptor (char *dpt_id, datapoint_type_t *dpt_desc)
 Returns the datapoint type information associated with a datapoint type id. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt1 (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length, bool_t value)
 Sets DPT-1 (1 bit) More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt1 (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, bool_t *value)
 Gets DPT-1 (1 bit) More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt2 (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length, bool_t control, bool_t value)
 Sets DPT-2: 1 bit controlled. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt2 (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, bool_t *control, bool_t *value)
 Gets DPT-2: 1 bit controlled. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt3 (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length, bool_t control, uint8_t value)
 Sets DPT-3: 3 bit controlled. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt3 (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, bool_t *control, uint8_t *value)
 Gets DPT-3: 3 bit controlled. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt4 (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length, uint8_t character)
 Sets DPT-4: Character. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt4 (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, uint8_t *character)
 Gets DPT-4: Character. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt5 (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length, uint8_t value)
 Sets DPT-5: 8 bit unsigned value. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt5 (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, uint8_t *value)
 Gets DPT-5: 8 bit unsigned value. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt6 (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length, int8_t value)
 Sets DPT-6: 8 bit signed value. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt6 (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, int8_t *value)
 Gets DPT-6: 8 bit signed value. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt7 (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length, uint16_t value)
 Sets DPT-7: 2 byte unsigned value. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt7 (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, uint16_t *value)
 Gets DPT-7: 2 byte unsigned value. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt8 (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length, int16_t value)
 Sets DPT-8: 2 byte signed value. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt8 (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, int16_t *value)
 Gets DPT-8: 2 byte signed value. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt9 (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length, float32_t value)
 Sets DPT-9: 2 byte float value. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt9 (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, float32_t *value)
 Gets DPT-9: 2 byte float value. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt10_local (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length)
 Sets DPT-10: local time. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt10_utc (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length)
 Sets DPT-10: UTC time. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt10 (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length, int32_t day, int32_t hour, int32_t minute, int32_t second)
 Sets DPT-10: time. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt10 (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, int32_t *day, int32_t *hour, int32_t *minute, int32_t *second)
 Gets DPT-10: time. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt11_local (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length)
 Sets DPT-11: current local date. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt11_utc (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length)
 Sets DPT-11: current UTC date. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt11 (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day)
 Sets DPT-11: date in KNX format NOTE: The year is in KNX DPT11 format: 0..99; >=90 : 20th century; <90 : 21th century
e.g. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt11_knx (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day)
 Sets DPT-11: date in KNX format NOTE: The year is in KNX DPT11 format: 0..99; >=90 : 20th century; <90 : 21th century
e.g. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt11_yyyy (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length, int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day)
 Sets DPT-11: date in "normal" format. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt11 (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, int32_t *year, int32_t *month, int32_t *day)
 Gets DPT-11: date in KNX format NOTE: The year is in KNX DPT11 format: 0..99; >=90 : 20th century; <90 : 21th century
e.g. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt11_knx (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, int32_t *year, int32_t *month, int32_t *day)
 Gets DPT-11: date in KNX format NOTE: The year is in KNX DPT11 format: 0..99; >=90 : 20th century; <90 : 21th century
e.g. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt11_yyyy (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, int32_t *year, int32_t *month, int32_t *day)
 Gets DPT-11: date in "normal" format. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt12 (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length, uint32_t value)
 Sets DPT-12: 4 byte unsigned value. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt12 (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, uint32_t *value)
 Gets DPT-12: 4 byte unsigned value. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt13 (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length, int32_t value)
 Sets DPT-13: 4 byte signed value. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt13 (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, int32_t *value)
 Gets DPT-13: 4 byte signed value. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt14 (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length, float32_t value)
 Sets DPT-14: 4 byte float value. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt14 (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, float32_t *value)
 Gets DPT-14: 4 byte float value. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt15 (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length, int32_t accessCode, bool_t error, bool_t permission, bool_t direction, bool_t encrypted, int32_t index)
 Sets DPT-15: Entrance access. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt15 (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, int32_t *accessCode, bool_t *error, bool_t *permission, bool_t *direction, bool_t *encrypted, int32_t *index)
 Gets DPT-15: Entrance access. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt16 (uint8_t *data, uint32_t *length, const char value[KDRIVE_DPT16_LENGTH+1])
 Sets DPT-16: Character string. More...
kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt16 (const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, char value[KDRIVE_DPT16_LENGTH+1])
 Gets DPT-16: Character string The out value string is null terminated. More...

Detailed Description

|  Id      |  Number  |  Name                       |  SizeInBit  |  Implemented  |
| DPT-1    | 1        | 1 bit                       | 1           | Yes           |
| DPT-2    | 2        | 1 bit controlled            | 2           | Yes           |
| DPT-3    | 3        | 3 bit controlled            | 4           | Yes           |
| DPT-4    | 4        | Character                   | 8           | Yes           |
| DPT-5    | 5        | 8 bit unsigned value        | 8           | Yes           |
| DPT-6    | 6        | 8 bit signed value          | 8           | Yes           |
| DPT-7    | 7        | 2 byte unsigned value       | 16          | Yes           |
| DPT-8    | 8        | 2 byte signed value         | 16          | Yes           |
| DPT-9    | 9        | 2 byte float value          | 16          | Yes           |
| DPT-10   | 10       | Time                        | 24          | Yes           |
| DPT-11   | 11       | Date                        | 24          | Yes           |
| DPT-12   | 12       | 4 byte unsigned value       | 32          | Yes           |
| DPT-13   | 13       | 4 byte signed value         | 32          | Yes           |
| DPT-14   | 14       | 4 byte float value          | 32          | Yes           |
| DPT-15   | 15       | Entrance access             | 32          | Yes           |
| DPT-16   | 16       | Character string            | 112         | Yes           |
| DPT-17   | 17       | Scene Number                | 8           | No            |
| DPT-18   | 18       | Scene Control               | 8           | No            |
| DPT-19   | 19       | Date Time                   | 64          | No            |
| DPT-20   | 20       | 1 byte                      | 8           | use DPT-5/6   |
| DPT-217  | 217      | Version                     | 16          | No            |
| DPT-219  | 219      | Alarm Info                  | 48          | No            |
| DPT-222  | 222      | 3x 16-Float Value           | 48          | No            |

Typedef Documentation

◆ datapoint_type_t

Represents a single datapoint type.

Function Documentation

◆ kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt1()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt1 ( const uint8_t data,
uint32_t  length,
bool_t value 

Gets DPT-1 (1 bit)

[in]datathe group value data buffer to be decoded
[in]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes)
[out]valuethe value extracted from the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be extracted

◆ kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt10()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt10 ( const uint8_t data,
uint32_t  length,
int32_t day,
int32_t hour,
int32_t minute,
int32_t second 

Gets DPT-10: time.

[in]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes)
[out]daythe day value extracted from the data buffer
[out]hourthe hour value extracted from the data buffer
[out]minutethe minute extracted from the data buffer
[out]secondthe second extracted from the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be extracted

◆ kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt11()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt11 ( const uint8_t data,
uint32_t  length,
int32_t year,
int32_t month,
int32_t day 

Gets DPT-11: date in KNX format NOTE: The year is in KNX DPT11 format: 0..99; >=90 : 20th century; <90 : 21th century

99 => 1999; 0 => 2000

This function was replaced by kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt11_knx
[in]datathe group value data buffer to be decoded
[in]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes)
[out]yearthe year value extracted from the data buffer (0..99)
[out]monththe month value extracted from the data buffer (1..12)
[out]daythe day value extracted from the data buffer (1..31)
success if the datapoint value can be extracted

◆ kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt11_knx()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt11_knx ( const uint8_t data,
uint32_t  length,
int32_t year,
int32_t month,
int32_t day 

Gets DPT-11: date in KNX format NOTE: The year is in KNX DPT11 format: 0..99; >=90 : 20th century; <90 : 21th century

99 => 1999; 0 => 2000 This function replace kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt11.

[in]datathe group value data buffer to be decoded
[in]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes)
[out]yearthe year value extracted from the data buffer (0..99)
[out]monththe month value extracted from the data buffer (1..12)
[out]daythe day value extracted from the data buffer (1..31)
success if the datapoint value can be extracted

◆ kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt11_yyyy()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt11_yyyy ( const uint8_t data,
uint32_t  length,
int32_t year,
int32_t month,
int32_t day 

Gets DPT-11: date in "normal" format.

[in]datathe group value data buffer to be decoded
[in]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes)
[out]yearthe year value extracted from the data buffer (1990 .. 2089)
[out]monththe month value extracted from the data buffer (1..12)
[out]daythe day value extracted from the data buffer (1..31)
success if the datapoint value can be extracted

◆ kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt12()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt12 ( const uint8_t data,
uint32_t  length,
uint32_t value 

Gets DPT-12: 4 byte unsigned value.

[in]datathe group value data buffer to be decoded
[in]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes)
[out]valuethe value extracted from the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be extracted

◆ kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt13()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt13 ( const uint8_t data,
uint32_t  length,
int32_t value 

Gets DPT-13: 4 byte signed value.

[in]datathe group value data buffer to be decoded
[in]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes)
[out]valuethe value extracted from the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be extracted

◆ kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt14()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt14 ( const uint8_t data,
uint32_t  length,
float32_t value 

Gets DPT-14: 4 byte float value.

[in]datathe group value data buffer to be decoded
[in]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes)
[out]valuethe value extracted from the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be extracted

◆ kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt15()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt15 ( const uint8_t data,
uint32_t  length,
int32_t accessCode,
bool_t error,
bool_t permission,
bool_t direction,
bool_t encrypted,
int32_t index 

Gets DPT-15: Entrance access.

[in]datathe group value data buffer to be decoded
[in]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes)
[out]accessCodethe accessCode extracted from the data buffer
[out]errorthe error extracted from the data buffer
[out]permissionthe permission extracted from the data buffer
[out]directionthe direction extracted from the data buffer
[out]encryptedthe encrypted extracted from the data buffer
[out]indexthe index extracted from the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be extracted

◆ kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt16()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt16 ( const uint8_t data,
uint32_t  length,
char  value[KDRIVE_DPT16_LENGTH+1] 

Gets DPT-16: Character string The out value string is null terminated.

NOTE: This function exists only for consistency. You could also use the buffer directly and append the null termination.

[in]datathe group value data buffer to be decoded
[in]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes)
[out]valuethe value extracted from the data buffer (as null terminated string)
success if the datapoint value can be extracted

◆ kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt2()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt2 ( const uint8_t data,
uint32_t  length,
bool_t control,
bool_t value 

Gets DPT-2: 1 bit controlled.

[in]datathe group value data buffer to be decoded
[in]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes)
[out]controlthe value extracted from the data buffer
[out]valuethe value extracted from the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be extracted

◆ kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt3()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt3 ( const uint8_t data,
uint32_t  length,
bool_t control,
uint8_t value 

Gets DPT-3: 3 bit controlled.

[in]datathe group value data buffer to be decoded
[in]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes)
[out]controlthe value extracted from the data buffer
[out]valuethe value extracted from the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be extracted

◆ kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt4()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt4 ( const uint8_t data,
uint32_t  length,
uint8_t character 

Gets DPT-4: Character.

[in]datathe group value data buffer to be decoded
[in]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes)
[out]characterthe value extracted from the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be extracted

◆ kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt5()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt5 ( const uint8_t data,
uint32_t  length,
uint8_t value 

Gets DPT-5: 8 bit unsigned value.

[in]datathe group value data buffer to be decoded
[in]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes)
[out]valuethe value extracted from the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be extracted

◆ kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt6()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt6 ( const uint8_t data,
uint32_t  length,
int8_t value 

Gets DPT-6: 8 bit signed value.

[in]datathe group value data buffer to be decoded
[in]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes)
[out]valuethe value extracted from the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be extracted

◆ kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt7()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt7 ( const uint8_t data,
uint32_t  length,
uint16_t value 

Gets DPT-7: 2 byte unsigned value.

[in]datathe group value data buffer to be decoded
[in]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes)
[out]valuethe value extracted from the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be extracted

◆ kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt8()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt8 ( const uint8_t data,
uint32_t  length,
int16_t value 

Gets DPT-8: 2 byte signed value.

[in]datathe group value data buffer to be decoded
[in]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes)
[out]valuethe value extracted from the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be extracted

◆ kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt9()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_decode_dpt9 ( const uint8_t data,
uint32_t  length,
float32_t value 

Gets DPT-9: 2 byte float value.

[in]datathe group value data buffer to be decoded
[in]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes)
[out]valuethe value extracted from the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be extracted

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt1()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt1 ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length,
bool_t  value 

Sets DPT-1 (1 bit)

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
[in]valuethe value written to the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt10()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt10 ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length,
int32_t  day,
int32_t  hour,
int32_t  minute,
int32_t  second 

Sets DPT-10: time.

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
[in]daythe day value written to the data buffer
[in]hourthe hour value written to the data buffer
[in]minutethe minute value written to the data buffer
[in]secondthe second value written to the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt10_local()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt10_local ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length 

Sets DPT-10: local time.

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt10_utc()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt10_utc ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length 

Sets DPT-10: UTC time.

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt11()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt11 ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length,
int32_t  year,
int32_t  month,
int32_t  day 

Sets DPT-11: date in KNX format NOTE: The year is in KNX DPT11 format: 0..99; >=90 : 20th century; <90 : 21th century

99 => 1999; 0 => 2000

This function was replaced by kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt11_knx
[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
[in]yearthe year value written to the data buffer (0..99)
[in]monththe month value written to the data buffer (1..12)
[in]daythe day value written to the data buffer (1..31)
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt11_knx()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt11_knx ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length,
int32_t  year,
int32_t  month,
int32_t  day 

Sets DPT-11: date in KNX format NOTE: The year is in KNX DPT11 format: 0..99; >=90 : 20th century; <90 : 21th century

99 => 1999; 0 => 2000 This function replace kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt11.

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
[in]yearthe year value written to the data buffer (0..99)
[in]monththe month value written to the data buffer (1..12)
[in]daythe day value written to the data buffer (1..31)
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt11_local()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt11_local ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length 

Sets DPT-11: current local date.

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt11_utc()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt11_utc ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length 

Sets DPT-11: current UTC date.

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]length(in) the length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (out) the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits)
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt11_yyyy()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt11_yyyy ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length,
int32_t  year,
int32_t  month,
int32_t  day 

Sets DPT-11: date in "normal" format.

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
[in]yearthe year value written to the data buffer (1990 .. 2089)
[in]monththe month value written to the data buffer (1..12)
[in]daythe day value written to the data buffer (1..31)
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt12()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt12 ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length,
uint32_t  value 

Sets DPT-12: 4 byte unsigned value.

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
[in]valuethe value written to the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt13()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt13 ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length,
int32_t  value 

Sets DPT-13: 4 byte signed value.

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
[in]valuethe value written to the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt14()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt14 ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length,
float32_t  value 

Sets DPT-14: 4 byte float value.

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
[in]valuethe value written to the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt15()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt15 ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length,
int32_t  accessCode,
bool_t  error,
bool_t  permission,
bool_t  direction,
bool_t  encrypted,
int32_t  index 

Sets DPT-15: Entrance access.

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
[in]accessCodethe accessCode written to the data buffer
[in]errorthe error written to the data buffer
[in]permissionthe permission written to the data buffer
[in]directionthe direction written to the data buffer
[in]encryptedthe encrypted written to the data buffer
[in]indexthe index written to the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt16()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt16 ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length,
const char  value[KDRIVE_DPT16_LENGTH+1] 

Sets DPT-16: Character string.

NOTE: This function exists only for consistency. You could also use the buffer direct.

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
[in]valuethe value written to the data buffer. (as null terminated string / or max 14 characters)
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt2()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt2 ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length,
bool_t  control,
bool_t  value 

Sets DPT-2: 1 bit controlled.

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
[in]controlthe value written to the data buffer
[in]valuethe value written to the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt3()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt3 ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length,
bool_t  control,
uint8_t  value 

Sets DPT-3: 3 bit controlled.

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
[in]controlthe value written to the data buffer
[in]valuethe value written to the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt4()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt4 ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length,
uint8_t  character 

Sets DPT-4: Character.

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
[in]characterthe value written to the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt5()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt5 ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length,
uint8_t  value 

Sets DPT-5: 8 bit unsigned value.

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
[in]valuethe value written to the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt6()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt6 ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length,
int8_t  value 

Sets DPT-6: 8 bit signed value.

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
[in]valuethe value written to the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt7()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt7 ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length,
uint16_t  value 

Sets DPT-7: 2 byte unsigned value.

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
[in]valuethe value written to the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt8()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt8 ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length,
int16_t  value 

Sets DPT-8: 2 byte signed value.

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
[in]valuethe value written to the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt9()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_encode_dpt9 ( uint8_t data,
uint32_t length,
float32_t  value 

Sets DPT-9: 2 byte float value.

[out]datathe group value data buffer to be encoded
[in,out]lengththe length of the group value data buffer (in bytes) (in) and the length of the formatted group value data buffer (in bits) (out)
[in]valuethe value written to the data buffer
success if the datapoint value can be written

◆ kdrive_dpt_get_dpt_descriptor()

kdriveExpress_API error_t kdrive_dpt_get_dpt_descriptor ( char *  dpt_id,
datapoint_type_t dpt_desc 

Returns the datapoint type information associated with a datapoint type id.

[in]dpt_idthe datapoint type id
[out]dpt_descthe struct with the datapoint type informations